Sunday, March 24, 2013

unexpected trip

Well it has bee an interesting Sunday!! Went to church this morning and as Alex was wrapping up his sermon, I started having chest pain, my left shoulder had been bothering me during the service but I didnt think much about it because it hurts from time to time with changes in the weather. So when my left arm went numb and the chest pain started I looked at Robby and told him what was going on and that I didnt feel right. So we headed out during announcements to get the kids. Now today was the big eggstravaganza at church so we brought our neighbor with us, while Robby went to get the kids I sat on the floor across from child pick up to wait. The walk from the santuary to the childrens area wore me out and I was out of breath. So while I am sitting there some very nice lady I think Carol was her name that works with the kids came to check on me. She then got her husband who got a ba police officer and one of our pastors and another church person as well as a nurse that was working in the kids area. I was surrounded by awesome people and totally embarrassed!!! Christy who I teach with and is a sweet friend of mine was there with her son and she came and sat with me and helped with the girls when they got there! I tried to keep joking and smiling because the girls were terrified! They ended up calling 911 for the ambulance, once they got there they loaded me on the gerny and brought me to the hospital! I think I finally got into the ER about 1:15 so from church to the hospital it took about 20 min!! We stayed down in the ER until after 5pm doing EKG's and a cat scan with dye, the EKG's were good, not sure about the cat scan yet. They decided to keep me overnight for observations, and to do a stress test in the morning. I thought okay that will kind of suck but I can deal! Once they got me upstairs and towards my room I discovered that I wasnt going to be alone!!!! I have a roommate! I am sorry but that is just kinda creepy to me to have to share a very small room and one small bathroom with someone I dont know who seems to be much sicker than me!!!! While I was waiting in the hallway with my dad for the nurse to change the sheets on my bed, a lady down the hall starts screaming "Help Me, Help me, somebody help me!! I am a child of Jesus you cant do this to me"!!! I just looked at my dad and had to laugh a little, here I am in a strange room with a stranger and down the hall is some woman who sounds totaly 10-85 (cop speak for crazy) GET ME OUTTA HERE!!!!! So all night about every hour or so this woman screams HElp me Help Me, I am praying that God will help her with whatever issues she has and will help me to get out of here and back home to my family!!!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Long time update!!!

Okay so I have figured out I am not real good with the blog thing!!! Since I havent updated in almost 2 years!! My new goal for this year will be to blog at least once a month! We will see if I can keep up with it!! A lot has changed since I last blogged. I have moved up to become a 4th grade teacher. Both of my girls are going to school with me, which has been a challenge in itself, and since November my wonderful Mother-in-law has been living with us!! We call this place the "Crazy House" a term that was given to us by my mother in law!! It truly is a crazy house!!! But we sure do have a good time!! The girls are growing so fast! Its so hard to believe that we only have 40 days left in this school year and then Bekah will be a 5th grader, her last year in elementary school!! Where did this time go?! My baby is about to be a 1st grader!!! Robby and I are pretty sure we are done having kids, but we both feel adoption on our hearts, I am in prayer that the Lord will lead us in the direction he wants us to go! So my mother in law was laid off of her job after 20 years, her company closed! It has been an emotional and stressful time for her! She moved in with us in November to look for a job here in Tulsa, it has been such a blessing having her here with us! She has been such a wonderful help at the house and the girls have had the time of their lives spending much needed time with her!! although losing a job is hard, I have discovered in this instance and in Robby's lay off, it has been a blessing from God! He knows what he is doing and has provided us with time that we would not have otherwise had!! This has been a stressful year at school for me, new grade level, new school (we moved into a new building about a week before school started) it seems as though we started running at mach 2 and havent stopped since. But it has been good! I have rekindled my love of teaching and am considering going back to school for my masters degree! Just have to spend some time praying about it to decide what steps to take and when!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Animal farm!

So let me tell you about last Monday! Robby just got back on the job Sunday night, so my plan was to get up with the kids in the morning and get them out of the house and go work in my classroom so Robby could sleep. Well you know what they say about the best laid plans.... so here is how the day started... Both girls are dressed and beds are made, I go into my room to start getting myself ready and I locked the bedroom door behind me.. why you ask? because my girls will come in screaming and talking and wake up their daddy... so anyway as I am getting ready I hear a knock on the bedroom door... now I have to admit I was frustrated that someone was knocking on the door with Robby in bed trying to sleep so I go over and open the door with a grumpy look on my face to find my 6 year old standing there holding up her hand with some sort of worm thing in it! She looks at me and says "mom, I found this in the guinea pig cage!" That was all it took to wake Robby up he sits up in bed as I walk Bekah over to him to see if he can tell what it is.. because I dont have a clue!! Thats when he announced that Bekah was holding a maggott! YES a MAGGOTT!!!!!!! I freaked, of course made Bekah wash her hands and went to get the cage to clean it out, yet again. Now I am sure you are thinking the cage had to have been filthy to have a maggot in it, it did need to be changed but it wasnt that bad, but we have had a massive amount of flies coming into our house lately with the kids going in and out. So now that I have made that excuse! I told Bekah to grab a trash bag and head out side so we can scrub the cage, as soon as she opened the door... out ran the dog! Needless to say my morning is not going well, so Bekah and I chase libby around the neighborhood, and I finally got her to follow me into the house, in all of the craziness Robby was woken up yet again! Now we are finally able to get started cleaning out the cage, the dog is back in the house, the maggot is down the drain, and the guinea pigs are in the living room in the top part of the cage! Bekah and I worked together and scrubbed out the cage and then Bekah began to dry it with paper towels, while she was working on that I gathered up the trash to take to the curb. I took a couple of trips out to the curb with the trash and Bekah had gone back inside to pet the guinea pigs while she waited on me to help put the cage back together. On my 3rd trash trip I turn to come back up the driveway and as I am nearing the garage and I look down and there is a duck, yes a duck in my garage! Right at the entrance to the garage from the driveway! I call Robby, who is still up, and I dont think he believed me at first then he and Bekah came to the door to see the duck!! I will post pics soon! we watched for at least 30min as the duck sniffed around the yard and just waddled around like it owned the place! It was the most bizarre morning of my life!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I am typically known as a go go go girl! I am constantly doing something or going somewhere! As most of you know slowing down isnt my style. However I have learned a lot over the past few months and have learned that sometimes you just need to slow down and look at the simple things in life. I have so enjoyed spending time with my family this summer! Something that is very rare normally with Robby working, but since he has been laid off this has given us time together. Since school got out we have spent every single day as a family together swimming at the pool, going to the park, playing with friends, cooking out and our most recent adventure was driving 12 hours to visit Debbie, Kris and the kids! I was so impressed with how the kids did on the drive up and since we have been here we have had a great time. We have taken the kids swimming, played outside and played in the basement playroom! We havent been going like we normally would, but with a combined total of 5 kids who could! We have had a wonderful time just enjoying the simple things, such as Taylor getting into Jillian's nail polish and painting herself, the bathroom floor, the cabinet, the dresser and her new shoes, then there was world war 3, 4, and 5 between all the kids screaming crying and fighting like family, followed by Maddie getting into a poopy diaper (her own) that was briefly left un attended and she proceded to cover herself in poo! like I said its the simple things in life! I am sure as we continue our vacation there will be many more stories to share, these are just the a few from our 1st day!! (Yes I did say 1st day)

Friday, May 14, 2010


There are so many reasons why I am looking forward to summer. I can't wait to spend time with my friends and kids at the pool, hanging out with my husband, traveling to Denver, hanging out with my Mom and Dad, road tripping. Spending time with our neighbors.... I am such a summer girl! Don't get me wrong, I love my job, but this year has been too much for me, between Robby losing his job and watching 2 of my friends bury their babies that were within 2 months of Taylor, I have had all the stress I can deal with. I need a break to regroup and spend time finding my center again..putting my focus on GOD! Trusting him to take care of everything and learning to lean on Him again. Bring on summer! Only 5 days of school left.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Learning to deal with death

Well today was full of emotions! Bekah and I arrived at school this morning and like always the first thing she did was run over to Oreo's cage to see her, Oreo was our guinea pig. Notice I said "was", this morning Bekah informed me that Oreo was "sleeping" and told me to be quiet so I didnt wake her. I walked over to check on her and noticed she wasnt in her normal "sleeping" position. I opened the cage door and she didnt move, so I touched her and realized she was gone. I turned to Bekah and had my first of I am sure many conversations about a pet going to Heaven. Bekah cried and cried it was awful! She was so sad that Oreo was gone, I tried everything I knew to comfort her, but nothing was really working. We had a long talk and I told her that our sweet little neighbor Lexi, that passed away a month ago, probably missed Jerry her guinea pig, and now Oreo went to be with her and they would have each other. That seemed to help her. We have never had an animal or any member of our family die so this was totally new ground for me to cover as a mom. I hated seeing my little girl so broken hearted!! As sad as I was, I was able to put my emotions aside and help her deal with hers. I know I will have to deal with this again and I hope that I will have the answers she needs, when she needs them, but I know that will not always be the case and I pray that God will help me through it.

This afternoon as soon as school was out she came running into my room to see if we could go to Petsmart, she wanted to go and get an Oreo 2. So after 2 long hours of deliberation at Petsmart we finally decided on a little brown and white guinea pig that looks like Hurley from G-Force, the girls finally decided to name him Blaster. I think Blaster will be a wonderful new addition to the family, I am praying that Blaster will survive and flourish in our care.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


I have 2 favorite times of year, Christmas and Easter. I love Christmas because it reminds us that God sent his most precious gift, his son, as an infant to come save us sinners. Knowing that in 30 short years he would be sacrificed on the cross in a horrible death so that we might be saved from our sins and have eternal life. Easter brings home that sacrifice for me. Several years ago when the movie, Passion of the Christ came out, we went to go see it with some very old friends of ours. I loved that movie but don't know that I could ever sit through it again. It shook me to the core, I wept and wept like I never had before and haven't since. I have grown up seeing many different depictions of the Crucifixion and Resurrection, but none had touched me as deeply as this had. For the first time I saw the Crucifixion and Resurrection from the eyes of Mary, his mother. I was a new mom and had never seen taken that perspective before. I cannot even begin to fathom what Mary was going through watching her child be tortured and die a horrible death on the cross for people she would knew and for billions more she would never know. It makes me so thankful for all of the blessings in my life this Easter and every day and I pray that I will always remember the sacrifice that Christ made for me.